StartHer followed the 10 finalists back stage during the StartHer Awards, here’s what they shared with us

Thibaud Lapacherie Expert en Marketing digital
Rédigé par Thibaud
Expert marketing digital
Publié le 12 Oct 2022

Afew weeks ago StartHer launched the StartHer Awards 2017, biggest European competition for startups  (co) founded by women. 10 finalists from all over Europe were invited to pitch their projects in front of 350 people in Station F. We were able to follow them throughout the event and asked them to share some knowledge and experience with us. Here’s the video!

10 women entrepreneurs from across Europe

The finalists were selected among 363 candidates from 30 European countries. French startup NovaGray won the StartHer Award and was rewarded 10.000€ to develop her business. ClaimCompass, from Bulgaria, was awarded a prize by “Femmes Business Angels” women business angels who coached the finalists before they pitched at the Awards, and will be supporting ClaimCompass this coming year. Finally, Wilov caught the attention of RCI Banks & Services, who selected their favorite FinTech startup among the finalists and will be offering special coaching to the Wilov team. All of the finalists will benefit from Microsoft’s Bizpark programme, access to Stripe products and tickets to some of the biggest Tech events (next one up: SXSW).

More about the 10 finalists:

  •  Novagray : a MedTech startup created in 2015, which develops personalized radiotherapy and is marketing the first radiosensitivity test for breast cancer
  • CitizenLab (Belgium) : a civic engagement platform on which citizens co-create their city.
  • ClaimCompass (Bulgaria) : a solution to help air passengers receive their deserved compensation for delayed, canceled or overbooked flights.
  • Contellio (Poland) : a solution to convert existing content into marketing designs that sell.
  • Devoleum (Italy) : a marketplace that ensure that the virgin Italian olive oil that people are buying is both virgin and Italian, thanks to Blockchain.
  • Exate Technology (UK) : a solution that protects and manage sensitive data.
  • HelloMind (Denmark) : a solution that can help its users change or eliminate low self-esteem, stress, fear, bad sleep and unhealthy habits.
  • Strattic (Israel) : a platform that publishes Open Source content management systems like WordPress, Joomla and Drupal as static, serverless sites, making them fast, secure and scalable.
  • Tracktor (France) : a marketplace for renting construction equipment.
  • Wilov (France) : the first “pay as you drive” car insurance, 100% managed via mobile.

Miriam Schwab, founder of Strattic and finalist of the StartHer Awards wrote about her experience at the Awards here here <3


The StartHer Awards would not have been possible without our sponsors and partners

Thibaud Lapacherie Expert en Marketing digital

Thibaud Lapacherie

Expert en marketing digital et SEO

Je suis Thibaud, passionné par le marketing digital et l’entrepreneuriat. À travers, je partage des conseils pratiques, des définitions et des stratégies issues de mon expérience en tant que dirigeant d’une agence web et responsable SEO chez Abondance.

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